The CACE Corporate, Commercial and Transactions Committee is a recently formed committee (January 2024) which provides CACE members an opportunity to increase their knowledge of the corporate and commercial aspects of labour and employment law, including its implications for business transactions. The committee has a steering committee comprised of members across Canada which plans quarterly member meetings with a pattern of two webinars followed by a general committee meeting. The general committee meetings provide members with an opportunity to discuss further questions and discuss issues arising from prior webinars as well as a cross-country update on recent case law, legislation or other developments impacting the “solicitor’s” side of employment and labour law. The steering committee is also involved in recommending a “solicitor’s” panel for the annual conference.
In 2024, the general committee met four times with webinars on the labour and employment law implications of asset and sale purchase agreements, of bankruptcy proceedings, and of business immigration. The committee also had one general meeting with case law and legislative updates and discussions. For 2025, the general committee currently has scheduled a webinar dealing with restrictive covenants for March and another general meeting scheduled for June.
Participation in the CCT webinars and general meetings is open to all CACE members. Please email our Executive Director, Tracy Scanks at [email protected] for more information. If you wish to become more involved in the committee by volunteering for the steering committee or participating in the presentation of a webinar, please also contact Tracy.